Welcome to Well Red Wine Magazine. Founder & Editor Bubbles Hyland (yes that’s really her name – well not officially but if you call her by her Christened name it’s unlikely she’ll flinch, however put her in an MCC festival and her ears burn and Bubbles gets paranoid that everyone is talking about her 😉
Anyway, back to the magazine… Bubbles intends for it to be the most exciting and possibly only truly accessible and informative online wine-lifestyle magazine in South Africa. She hopes it appeals to every wine lover, at whatever stage of their oenophile journey they’re at; a magazine that is palatable, easy to digest, enjoyable and full of enlightening content. Showing the fun and intriguing side of wine, as easy to digest as your favourite glass of wine after a stressful day.
Bubbles works in the wine industry. People often ask her if she becomes desensitised to wine as it’s her job. Quite the contrary, as her passion for wine increased naturally, so did her desire to learn more and spend her spare time reading and researching wine. Through this journey to be a wine geek Bubbles felt there was a massive hole in the market in accessible online wine publications.
Wine is literally her life. This is not a side project for her, it’s her job, her life, her passion, it pays her bills. She admits she doesn’t really have other hobbies, all the books in her house are wine related. She doesn’t collect stamps or play sports. She drinks wine, she tastes wine in her free time; discusses it, dissects it, collects it… and this magazine is inspired by her devotion and dedication to wine. “Wine excites me, it engages me, brings me closer to my heroes, starts relationships, discussions… it is my life. I learn as I go; and as I go I share with you and I hope you enjoy every sip!“
If you’re as passionate about wine as Bubbles is, and you’d like to contribute to this wine magazine, send an email to editor@wellredwinemag.co.za and tell us what you’d like to share.