Put on your hiking boots and join a Weekend Cape Camino walking through farmlands in the Boland in aid of StreetSmart SA from Friday, 6 to Sunday, 8 May 2022.

“We are thrilled to partner once again with Cape Camino and Cape Town’s iconic Labia Theatre for inspiring personal pilgrimage experiences. When you support StreetSmart fundraisers, you can be assured that you support programmes that provide real, long-term societal benefits and education for children living on the streets,” says Zaid Adams, chairman of StreetSmart SA, an organisation helping street children rebuild their lives through public donations throughout the Western Cape and Gauteng.

Walkers can expect a weekend savouring the wonderful hospitality of the farming community along the Berg River, with “boerekos’ specialities and walking through farmlands, covering 30 km over two days from Nuwefontein Farm to Bridgetown. You do not have to be super fit for this 2-day excursion as the route is easy walking on mostly flat terrain. You will be able to enjoy the peace and quiet of the countryside while being enchanted by the starry night sky.
The weekend begins with a sleepover and hosted home-cooked supper at Nuwefontein Farm in the Gouda region on the Friday, before hitting the 16 km trail towards Moorreesburg the next morning. Once at Bridgetown enjoy a swim in the Berg River, stargazing and an optional night walk to the farm’s bee hives.

On Sunday you will explore some Bridgetown trails before this StreetSmart fundraiser comes to an end after breakfast at around 11h00.
The price of R3 850 per person sharing for the 2-day walk, includes chaperones, a contribution to StreetSmart SA, 2 nights’ shared accommodation, breakfasts and suppers, luggage transfers, a Cape Camino passport and a T-shirt. Transport back from the end farm and snacks are excluded. Private upgrades are available on request.

For bookings and further details email: info@capecamino.co.za or book now at: https://www.capecamino.co.za/book/Weekend-Camino-p138584127
If you prefer a more sedentary Camino experience, Camino de Santiago pilgrims have another opportunity to see the award winning documentary film, k at Cape Town’s iconic Labia Theatre on Saturday and Sunday, 14 & 15 May 2022. Watch the trailer here
Gabi walked one million steps with professional camera equipment in her rucksack along the Way of St James on the Camino Francés in Spain. The documentary won Best Outdoor Culture Film at the 2020 Nordic Adventure Film Festival, as well as an International Art & Tur Film Festival award in Portugal at the end of 2021.

Tickets to the show are available at R70 per person from Webtickets: https://www.webtickets.co.za/v2/event.aspx?itemid=1506533457 or at the Labia Theatre in Orange Street by calling Tel: 021 424 5927. Booking is essential. All required Covid-19 protocols are in place.
For more information on StreetSmart SA visit: www.streetsmartsa.org.za
Issued by: GC Communications Issued on behalf of: StreetSmart South Africa
Contact: Gudrun Clark Contact: Reinette Retief – Administrator
Tel: +27 (0) 21 462-0520 Tel: 082 658 1442
Email: info@gc-com.co.za E-mail: info@streetsmartsa.org.za