Wednesday 23rd October CAROLINE’S ANNUAL WHITE WINE REVIEW at The Table Bay Hotel, V&A Waterfront. Meet the top sixty South African white and MCC winemakers and taste their best. Tickets available @ R350 at Computicket only, BOOKINGS OPEN NOW.
Time: 17h00 – 21h00
Caroline’s Annual White Wine Review is one of the most important events on the South African wine calendar.
It is a showcase of a maximum of 60 wineries that have consistently achieved the highest accolades in all the top competitive platforms. Each of the selected wineries is invited to show just one wine for tasting by the guests. This must be their flagship white wine or MCC, and it will be shown by the winemaker personally. One can engage with them in an organised yet informal atmosphere in the ballroom of The Table Bay Hotel, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town.
Time: 17h00 until 21h00. Arrive anytime (latest 19h30), and get your programme and a crystal tasting glass at the entrance. Please note that the glass has to be returned before you leave (new hotel rule).
Tickets @ R350 are available exclusively at Computicket. Numbers strictly limited to 400 guests. Bookings open 24 September.